Amazon Is Constructing A Headquarters On Indigenous Land In South Africa. A Court Ordered It To Stop.
US tech companies seeking to expand their footprint are running into speed bumps across the continent.
Some Nations Are Hoarding Vaccine Doses. It's Creating Conditions For New Variants To Emerge.
Vaccine hoarding by rich countries is a big problem. And it’s not the only obstacle to getting shots into arms across the African continent.
How The Pandemic Severed One Of Southern Africa’s Main Economic Lifelines
With few options, some traders have turned to smuggling or sex work. “I work with what I have at the moment,” one woman said.
This Woman’s Response To Mugabe’s Resignation Went Viral — Now She Wonders How Long The Joy Will Last
As the excitement over Mugabe’s resignation fades, Zimbabweans wonder how long they can sustain hope for a new democracy without concrete change.
People In Zimbabwe Say They Have Had It With Their President
After nearly four decades in power, Robert Mugabe is facing one of the biggest challenges to his rule.